Ad Council Launches Better Futures Multimedia Campaign
The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) in partnership with the Ad Council, announced Wednesday the launch of Better Futures, a national multimedia public service effort that will build on their 41-year old campaign to help African American students get to and through college.
Created pro bono by marketing communications agency Y&R, new Better Futures PSAs transform the idea of donating to a cause to a more powerful idea of investing in the future, including the introduction of a stock for social change, where people can see the direct social return of their investment.
Economists were consulted for the campaign and developed an algorithm to show the social return of donating just $10 to UNCF, including the impact on earnings, crime savings and health savings. The campaign includes new television, radio, print, outdoor and digital PSAs featuring students who have personally benefited from UNCF sharing their poignant stories of success.
The Ad Council will distribute the new PSAs to media outlets nationwide this week. The campaign directs audiences to, where they can see the impact of their investment, learn more about UNCF’s work and make a donation.
At the newly designed microsite, visitors can view the PSAs featuring students who have benefited from UNCF and interact with the “social investment calculator” where they can see what their donation amounts to in terms of impact. The site’s new content is also shareable via Facebook and Twitter.
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