Call for Applications: Online International Anti-Corruption School
The Online International Anti-Corruption Spring School – Asia, Pacific and LDCs Edition 2024 – is an online training organized by the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Photo: UNODC / IACA
Call for Applications: Online International Anti-Corruption School
The training – which will run from 18 to 22 March 2024 – is administered and delivered in the English language only.
The Online International Anti-Corruption Spring School – Asia, Pacific and LDCs Edition 2024 – is an online training organized by the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
The Spring School is aimed at building ethical skills and mindsets in interested students and youth through the study of notions of integrity, ethics, and anti-corruption. Participation in the training is free of charge and may attract more applications than available seats on the training.
Target group are students and young people between the age of 18 and 29 (born after 18 March 1994 and before 22 March 2006) from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshal Islands, Micronesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, and Yemen, and all Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as defined by the United Nations.
Admissions will be processed by IACA and UNODC based on criteria such as the target group, the applicants’ suitability for the training, the English language proficiency, and gender balance. IACA may request additional information/documentation from applicants and invite applicants for a short interview over telephone or online. All applicants will be notified about their admission results.
Selected applicants will receive by email an offer to participate in the training and are expected to return with their acceptance by the defined means of communication and deadline. As this training is free of charge and may attract more applications than available seats, commitment and fairness are absolutely required.
Therefore, admitted participants who have accepted their offer of participation may cancel their participation until 3 March 2024 by the means of communication defined in the offer email. Any later cancellation or cases of non-participation or incomplete participation may lead to UNODC/IACA rejecting any future application for scholarships in UNODC and IACA training programs.
The training starts on 18 March 2024 in accordance with the timetable issued. Participants are urged to follow the instructions regarding online participation as communicated by IACA. Participants who have successfully completed the training will receive a certificate of completion.
Participants shall communicate to UNODC/IACA through the designated addresses, including email, all changes of circumstances and data that may be relevant for their participation in the training. Any costs or adverse consequences caused by changed or unknown circumstances or data of participants, not communicated to UNODC/IACA are not attributable to and shall not be borne by UNODC/IACA.
You can apply by 25 February 2024. The training – which will run from 18 to 22 March 2024 – is administered and delivered in the English language only (translation or interpretation will not be provided).